Rocket Lawyer lacked an original, initial proof of concept native mobile application as a platform for it's digital document system, and the annual SXSW festival was selected as a demonstration opportunity.
Research, design and deploy native app for demonstration at SXSW.
Deliver optimized processes to test workflows and technical capabilities.
Establish an iterative process to ensure continued research testing and feature definition.
As proof of concept project we lacked all verification of what would work and what wouldn't. We were building the plane as we were flying it, blind. The Appcelerator Titanium platform we were using was untested and we constantly had to reduce project scope to fit within the limitations of the platform, and we under a very tight SXSW deadline.
Worked with product managers and engineering to establish conversion path opportunities.
Create preliminary whiteboard journey maps to capture potential customer happy path conversion flows.
I continued to discuss the customer service conversion path with product team members to align to company OKRs and KPIs.
This planning was crucial before moving into more detailed and thorough wireframes.
As the design and product team worked through the conversion paths, I documented the customer journey in a comprehensive persona and service experience map.
After the service map was stabilized, I created more detailed wireframes matched to the specific task milestones required to complete the goal flow.
As the wireframes were progressing and finalized, I began creating a clickable prototype which further aligned all stakeholders, specifically the engineering team who derived detailed service requirements for the native app features.
As the clickable prototype evolved, I created a public review board in order to socialize and discuss the evolving flows, UX affordances and potential design requirements.
My initial design persists in the Apple App Store to this day, here is a sample of the final designs. The demo at SXSW was ultimately successful, and the proofs of concepts were worth pursuing.
MVP deployed
LOE determined
Validate new engineering processes
New design processes discovered